Event name
Member Connections: Al Miller
Wed 07 / 12 / 2023
2:00 PM to 3:00 PM
2:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Private Address, please log in to see more
Who can attend
Open to all
Limited capacity: Registration Closed
Karen Bagnard
The Cultural Activities Committee invites you to the Member Connections with Villager Al Miller. Member Connections are opportunities to hear about a fellow Village member. They give an overview of their life journey and share about the significant instances they have experienced professionally and personally.
Al is semi-retired from a few decades working in visual effects in the film industry having morphed his nuclear engineering education into a career in electronic design. He will discuss crucial decision points in his life that led him to where he ended up working, and how different his life could have been.
If you have any questions please contact Karen Bagnard.