Event name
Village Garden Group
Sun 09 / 24 / 2023
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Private Address, please log in to see more
Who can attend
Members only (login required)
Limited capacity: Registration Closed
Linda J. Stowitts
The Garden Group meets monthly, usually on the 4th Sunday afternoon, rotating among members’ gardens, and occasionally other venues, sharing the joys (and the inevitable, occasional disappointments) of gardening.
Members are welcome to attend this casual, basically social event. You need not have a garden to join us but just an interest in being with those who find gardens a pleasure.
Organized by Village Members Linda Stowitts and Barbara Madden. Contact either of them you want to know more about this group.
Organized by Village Members Linda Stowitts and Barbara Madden. Contact either of them you want to know more about this group.