Event name
Grandparent/Grand-friend Workshop & Puzzle Swap
Sat 12 / 09 / 2023
10:30 AM to 12:00 PM
10:30 AM to 12:00 PM
Village Office
236 W. Mountain St, #104
Pasadena CA 91103
236 W. Mountain St, #104
Pasadena CA 91103
Who can attend
Open to all
Limited capacity: Registration Closed
Katie Brandon
Bring a grandchild or special friend to a holiday bookmark workshop and puzzle swap. Create a holiday/winter bookmark with a wide variety of washi tape. All ages and abilities can make a bookmark to keep, and one to give to someone special. Also, participate in the puzzle swap by bringing a puzzle, taking a puzzle, or just perusing the available puzzles. We ask that you bring new or gently used puzzles with all the pieces. Whether you want to bring a child in your life, or if you are a child-at-heart, you are welcome! Free.