Event name
Ice Cream Social & Birthday Celebration
Fri 04 / 26 / 2024
3:00 PM to 4:00 PM
3:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Village Office
236 W. Mountain St, #104
Pasadena CA 91103
236 W. Mountain St, #104
Pasadena CA 91103
Who can attend
Members only (login required)
Limited capacity: Registration Closed
Frederica Culick
All villagers are invited to the ice cream social!
Come for a sweet treat and stay for the camaraderie! We will celebrate with fellow Villagers whose birthday is this month.
April Birthdays include:
April Birthdays include:
Claire Gorfinkel, Sally Warner, Beverly Braun, Bridget Brewster, Katherine Gabel, Virginia Merriam, Lizou Fenyvesi, Shan Johnston, Claire Dunavan, Denise Aronow, Beatrice Jennings, Sally Asmundson, Nancy Goodell, Betty Ann Jansson