Late Risers Walking Group
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
301 N Baldwin Ave
Arcadia CA 91007
Who can attend
Limited capacity: Registration Closed
Late risers is a new walking group for those of us who just can’t get out earlier in the morning. We will take a walk led by one of our members and afterward stop for lunch. Walks will be 2-3 miles long.
This week, we will walk around the LA County Arboretum. Entrance is at 301 N. Baldwin Avenue in Arcadia. There is plenty of parking. Meet near the entrance ticket windows. We can stop at the Peacock Café for snacks after the walk. There is an admission fee of $11 for senior, but some of us have memberships and can bring in a guest for free.
Please contact event organizer Gina Frierman-Hunt to join the walk and to get details about the start time and place, and be added to the group email list. Guests are welcome to join.