Event name
Urban Walkers
Fri 06 / 07 / 2024
8:00 AM to 10:00 AM
8:00 AM to 10:00 AM
Who can attend
Members only
Limited capacity: Registration Closed
Sally Asmundson
Urban Walkers explore the many diverse neighborhoods of our community during weekly walks of 3-4 miles in length. During these walks, the participants learn more about our community and each other, rewarding themselves by enjoying coffee and pastries at a local coffee shop when possible. Members take turns leading walks and determining the route. We ask that if you are new to the group, you let us know your COVID status.
Urban Walkers always welcome guests and potential Village members. We have found our walks to be an excellent way to get to know our fellow Villagers and over time to develop friendships.
The start time can vary week-to-week so be sure to contact Sally Asmundson for information and to be added to the email list. For information or to join a walk, contact Sally Asmundson.