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Event name

Late Risers Walking Group


Tue 05 / 14 / 2024
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Who can attend

Members only (login required)

Limited capacity: Registration Closed




Gina Frierman-Hunt

Late risers is a new walking group for those of us who just can’t get out earlier in the morning. We will take a walk led by one of our members and afterward stop for lunch. Walks will be 2-3 miles long.

Jim Hendrick will be leading this walk. Meet at the Washington Park parking lot, 700 E Washington Blvd Pasadena CA 91104. We will explore a hidden gem in the Pasadena park system and the charming neighborhood that surrounds the park. The walk is about 3 miles with mild elevation. There are 2 sets of stairs, 12 and 28 steps. We will finish at the adult workout area. For those who want refreshments, a 2 block trek to Gladstone Donut House.

Please contact event organizer Gina Frierman-Hunt to join the walk and to get details about the start time and place, and be added to the group email list. Guests are welcome to join.