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Event name

Cultural Explorations Group (CEG)


Thu 03 / 27 / 2025
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Who can attend

Members only (login required)

Limited Capacity: 12 spots available




Toni C. Johnson

The Cultural Explorations Group meets on the 4th Thursday of the month for a simple potluck and to explore cultural topics related to classical short stories, poetry, music, art, or films. The discussion is generally led by the member suggesting the selected topic.  If you would like to lead a discussion to explore a cultural topic, please contact Toni Johnson to arrange the date and the meeting location. There are many possible locations, other than a member’s home, that are available.

Meetings will be limited to a maximum of 12 attendees. Each participant brings a food or drink item to contribute to the light potluck.  Plates, forks, napkins, and drinking glasses, but no knives will be provided by the host.

CEG is organized by Toni Cavanagh Johnson with Prakash Shrivastava. Contact Toni to register or if you want to know more about this group. 

The organizers of the CEG ask that all attendees be fully vaccinated.