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A knock on the door…

By Sandra Moffett
Posted: 08/04/2020

  - Submitted by Sandra -

At one of our meetings after the “Floyd” incident I related the story of one morning that week there was a knock on my door and my son answered the door thinking it would be a delivery.  He did not close the door right away and I went to see what was happening.  He was standing with the door open and one of my neighbors was standing outside crying and apologizing.  When I got to the door I could hear her talking in a tearful voice saying “I am sorry you have to go through this, I had no idea these things were happening to you until I saw it on TV”.  After a few minutes I said “You really have to stop watching this all day it is very disturbing”.  She remained for awhile and calmed down a bit after we both were talking to her.  I have lived in this small condominium complex for 26 years and she has been only a speaking acquaintance.  But something changed for her and she wanted to let us know.

A follow up to this incident has been a recent hospitalization for her, thank God, not serious and finding that she would be there for about a week, she contacted me and asked me if I would feed and medicate her elderly cat.  I did and she was very thankful.  

Change comes in small increments, but for many it is long, long overdue.


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